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Your Neighborhood

Proverbs 3:27-30

Don’t withhold good from someone entitled to it

when you have in hand the power to do it.

28 Don’t tell your neighbor, “Go away! Come another time;

I’ll give it to you tomorrow,” when you have it now.

29 Don’t plan harm against your neighbor

who lives beside you trustingly.

30 Don’t quarrel with someone for no reason,

if he has done you no harm.

Don't withhold good... We all love to receive things and many of us even love to have the ability to help others. The wisdom that is connected to "helping others" is giving to someone "entitled to it." Just because we can give to someone doesn't mean that we should. This is where wisdom and discretion step in and give insight as to who is entitled to receiving good.

I love verse 28... I love getting to know my neighbors. I have not done very well with it the past several years, but when I have in the past it has ended up blessing me as much as the neighborhood. This is how the earliest communities of faith were formed. Communities would gather and fellowship every evening! They took care of one another if something happened. They didn't drive an hour to see someone, they spent time with their neighbors and those around them. Can you imagine the difference in our neighborhoods if we got to know those around us?

If we get to know our neighbors than of course we won't want to plan harm against them. We would know their hurts and pains and be there to help them. It would build trust in the neighborhood if we spent time getting to know one another.

The last verse is also key. Quarrels and arguments are not worth it. Having a discussion is beneficial, but quarreling is harmful. Angry words are said and although we can say that words will never harm us, they do. Words, if we are established in HIM, should be able to be released and we listen to only the promises from HIM about who we are, but too often we allow words to cause pain. The way to stay away from that is by not quarreling!

Friends, take time today to get to know your neighbor. Take time to help those around you. This is how we can enjoy LIFE and build community.

Love and blessings,


Women Empowerment based on Torah and the Bible



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