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Your comforts CHEER me up!

Another verse from Psalm my friends! Another comfort and promise that David wrote to encourage himself…

Psalm 94:19

When my cares within me are many,

your comforts cheer me up. (CJB)

This verse was encouraging to me when I read the word CHEER. Who doesn’t LOVE to be CHEERED UP? Especially when “my cares within me are many.”

We all carry worries. We all have cares that weigh us down.

David wrote this Psalm when his enemies were pursuing him and trying to over take him. He was in a pretty dark place, and yet TRUSTED the WORDS of God.

Today I as read this I realized that David only had Torah, and MAYBE some of the prophets to read when he wrote these. He didn’t even have his own words! Simply the LORD who spoke to him. He only had the COMFORTS of Torah to bring him HOPE.

What a blessing we have to have these Psalms for us!! Do we realize how BLESSED we are to have David’s words to bring us HOPE? How quickly we forget that David HAD NOTHING WE HAVE!

Then I thought, what would happen if we wrote like David did? What if we journaled our thoughts and words that God gives us? Would we end up with a journal of Psalms like David did? Would we really be able to stop and LISTEN to what God says to us? Would we be able to journal our thoughts like David did?

Maybe we need to JOURNAL???? Maybe we need to WRITE like David did???

What will you take comfort in when you have “cares within you?” What will bring CHEER to your soul?

I find HOPE in HIS WORDs and realize that HIS blessing to me is including David’s Psalms. If David can find HOPE, so can I!

Love and blessings,


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