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Who is it that OVERCOMES?

Today I decided to look for a verse on FAITH. The first one that showed up is one that was a huge encouragement to me back in college. I forget when I first “claimed” it as a life verse, but it has always been on that brings STRENGTH and COURAGE to me when I am down.

I John 5:5

Who does overcome the world if not the person who believes that Yeshua is the Son of God? (CJB)

I actually prefer this verse in the NIV version I learned it in so many years ago…

Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. (NIV)

Just look at the POWER in these words! WHO OVERCOMES??? ONLY… BELIEVE!

When I am down, I remind myself that I BELIEVE JESUS is the Son of God. Then, I KNOW that I can OVERCOME whatever trial is in my way. Discouragement does not need to be there… It needs to GO. Lies in the mind need to GO!

Verse and WORDS of TRUTH are there for us - we just need to REMIND ourselves and SPEAK them.

What are YOU speaking over your LIFE?

Do you BELIEVE that YOU can OVERCOME the world?

You can if you BELIEVE that Jesus is the Son of GOD!

WALK in that POWER today!

Love and blessings,


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