Two Months...
I have not written a blog in over two months. Seeking... Searching.. Asking... Still don't have answers, but realizing more and more that I don't need to have answers. That's learning how to trust again...
I'm still not on Facebook very often so if you comment on this, I probably won't see it. I do have messenger so you can reach me that way.
I'm not who I used to be. Hopefully I am deeper and more filled with grace. HIS grace.
Thoughts are still so scattered. I still overthink too often.
As I am enjoying a cup of coffee this morning, this is the thought that keeps coming to me this morning and I feel the need to share it with you.
YOU were created to LOVE and BE LOVED.
I realize this is very basic, and yet, the basics is what so many of us are missing. The world has become such a crazy place that we overthink. We forget the things we just knew as a child.
Today, remind yourself that you were CREATED!!! SOMEONE created you.
Remind yourself you are LOVED.
Remind yourself to BE LOVE.
Shabbat Shalom,
