Thy Word...
One of my favorite verses is Psalm 119:105. This morning it was the verse of the day on the Bible app I use.
Your word is a lamp for my foot
and a light on my path (CJB)
I was reading a post on Instagram this morning by businessgrowthmentor and a quote was, "If you can change your mind, you can change your life." William James The post had another quote, "Once you become aware of your thoughts, you will no longer let them dictate your life." (Foreword to Print Edition Think Straight) "Commit to stop thinking about useless things. Start taking control of you mind." The last one said, "Conquer yourself rather than the world."
As I was reading that, the worship song "I Speak Jesus" (Charity Gayle and Stephen Musso)
My reflections as I read and listened were: We must focus on the positives. We have to take control of the thoughts in our minds. We must speak the good and find a way to HOPE. When we speak HIS Words than we believe His promises. When we speak Jesus and HIs healing, we can find peace in the midst of the pain and suffering happening around us.
Once we CHOOSE to conquer ourselves rather than the world, we can make a difference in what happens around us. Once we take control of our minds, we can focus better on those we meet. We can only do this by transforming our thoughts into His thoughts and taking His promises and making them ours. This commitment allows us to Speak Jesus into the atmosphere.
Be encouraged today and KNOW that He is your LAMP and LIGHT. Change your mind. Be aware of your thoughts. And SPEAK Jesus.
Love and blessings,

Women Empowerment based on Torah and the Bible