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Then God's SHALOM...

Today I had several verses show up in different places and they were all focused around the same theme… In my mind that means God must be trying to tell me something!

Philippians 4:6-7

Don’t worry about anything; on the contrary, make your requests known to God by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving. Then God’s shalom, passing all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with the Messiah Yeshua. (CJB)

As I reflect on this verse, it is quite clear that God wants us to NOT WORRY. NOT an easy task. In today’s world, with ALL that is happening around us, worry is almost always there! What will happen when my child leaves the house? How will I pay this bill? I am going to get in my car and… will something happen to me?

FEAR grips so many people, but fear is NOT from God.

We are supposed to let GOD know what we need. It says, “make your requests - WITH THANKSGIVING!” I think we often forget the thanksgiving part… we just ASK and forget to GIVE THANKS!

God’s SHALOM, or PEACE, is there when we give thanks. God’s PEACE will surround us and keep our MINDS on HIM. They will be SAFE!

I don’t know about you, but I like the fact that my MIND can be SAFE and in UNION with Him - if I GIVE THANKS!

I know GOD gave me these verses for a reason. GOD wanted ME to be reminded to TRUST HIM and ASK HIM for what I need, and then, when I give THANKS - HE will give me peace.

This is for YOU today too...

Love and blessings,


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