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Kind of a generic title and yet, that's how I feel right now. Life is filled with stuff... What a week. More emotions that were bittersweet. Won't go into details, but definitely took a toll and wore me out. Thankful for the "extra hour" of sleep. Thankful that I could "take my time" getting things done this weekend.

Acquired "stuff" this week. To the point where I now have boxes sitting in the basement and they probably won't be re-opened for awhile. But it's history. Items from grandparents, great grandparents, great aunts, my short life... What does one do? How much is necessary? I want to hold onto memories, but really - when it sits in boxes??? Honestly don't know at times what to do!

I was ready to go simple and suddenly here I am back with more than I need or want. And yet, it's hard to part with.

As I stop and think about all that, my mind and heart know that the most important aspect of life is how I treat others. That is what I most focus on. How I take care of those around me is what HE cares about. So when the emotions hit and I am overwhelmed with decisions in life I must remember:

I NEED STRENGTH, humility, courage patience.

Strength to control my passions,

humility to assess my own worth,

courage to rise above defeats,

patience to cleanse myself of imperfections.

And wisdom: to learn and live by our sacred teachings.

Let me not be discouraged by my failings.

Let me take heart

from all that is good and noble in my character.

Keep me from falling victim to cynicism.

Teach me sincerity and enthusiasm.

Endow me with perception and courage,

that I may serve others with compassion and love.

pg 261

Mishkan T'filiah

A Reform Siddur

Let's all take time today to stop and look at what we have, what we need, and how we love... Reflect on WHO you are and how you care for those around you. Find a way to serve them with compassion and love.

Love and blessings,




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