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Simple Shabbat...

A simple prayer for Shabbat...

WHERE HAS this week vanished?

Is it lost for ever?

Will I ever recover anything from it?

The joy of life, the unexpected victory,

the realized hope, the task accomplished?

Will I ever be able to banish the memory of pain,

the sting of defeat, the heaviness of boredom?

On this day let me keep for a while what must drift away.

On this day let me be free of the burdens that must return.

On this day, Shabbat, abide.

Help me to withdraw for a while

from the flight of time.

Contain the retreat of the hours and days

from the grasp of frantic life.

Let me learn to pause, if only for this day.

Let me find peace on this day.

Let me enter into a quiet world this day.

On this day, Shabbat, abide.

pg 253

Mishkan T'Filah

A Reform Siddur

Psalm 121

A song of ascents:

(1) If I raise my eyes to the hills, from where will my help come? 2 My help comes from Adonai, the maker of heaven and earth. 3 He will not let your foot slip — your guardian is not asleep. 4 No, the guardian of Isra’el never slumbers or sleeps.

5 Adonai is your guardian; at your right hand Adonai provides you with shade — 6 the sun can’t strike you during the day or even the moon at night.

7 Adonai will guard you against all harm; he will guard your life. 8 Adonai will guard your coming and going from now on and forever.

Let's believe together that we can TRUST Him to lead and guide. Let's learn to live simple...

Shabbat Shalom,




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