How did we get to September already? How did August just fly by?
Life was so crazy in August that one week I didn't get on my computer at all! I moved a daughter to college. Had volleyball games for another one. The daughter getting married hasn't needed my help too much, but I do see her and try to keep up. My son, he loves his mom and for that I am thankful. He is definitely a, "I got this covered," kind of guy. Love him to pieces for that.
Other issues take time too. Some of it is my head overthinking. Some of it is others putting things on me that are unnecessary. People making choices that affect me and my life that can't be ignored or passed off.
"Moving on" isn't always as easy as people think.
I was hoping September would bring the Jewish New Year, but this year it is beginning of October. Thankful God is in charge!
Now, too plow through the month of September with HIS strength and HIS wisdom, not relying on my own. God has gotten me this far. He can keep me going. The church service at university of Welcome Weekend was about getting out of the boat... Time to think outside the box and TRUST that He will give me the direction.
I just found a new album of music to listen too. I can Do All Things Through Christ - Strive to Be. A Variety of Artists. Thankful for music to pull me through. As life changes...
Yes, these thoughts are very scattered this morning. That's been my brain lately. My FAITH hasn't wavered, however my brain is exhausted. Thankful that HIS Word promises that if I listen to HIS Wisdom I will live securely.
Proverbs 1:32-33
For the aimless wandering of the thoughtless will kill them,
and the smug overconfidence of fools will destroy them;
but those who pay attention to me will live securely,
untroubled by fear of misfortune.”
Let's walk this month together, friends. Let's use HIS LOVE for HIS honor and glory.
Love and blessings -
