Receive and Bless...
Matthew 10:40-42
40 “Whoever receives you is receiving me, and whoever receives me is receiving the One who sent me. 41 Anyone who receives a prophet because he is a prophet will receive the reward a prophet gets, and anyone who receives a tzaddik (a righteous person) because he is a tzaddik will receive the reward a tzaddik gets. 42 Indeed, if someone gives just a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my talmid (disciple/student) — yes! — I tell you, he will certainly not lose his reward!”
Receive... are you willing to receive those God sends your way?
I know that sometimes I struggle. Just being open and honest. I want to help, but I don't know how much to help. Don't want to be taken advantage of. Struggle at times to know how to care without overdoing it and causing someone to become dependent on me instead of the Father.
And yet, these verses tell us that even a cup of cold water, done with the RIGHT heart and spirit, can be a true blessing. I shouldn't do something because I HAVE too. I should do something because I WANT too.
Sometimes it is easier to just "hide in my home" and not venture out. If someone needs something it is sometimes easier to just give them their need and move on. So, what does it mean to truly "receive" someone?
Back when villages were small and people knew who was entering and leaving their city, it was probably easier to "receive" someone (or reject them for that matter). Today, we don't have that. Our "villages" don't have the same concept. They are bigger. They are spread out. People we know are across town, not next too us. It is much more difficult to actually "receive" someone and give them that cup of cold water.
There is much for us to consider in the Words Jesus taught. Much for us to evaluate and ask Holy Spirit about. What does HE want us to do with those around us? What does HE require of us as we go about our day to day activities? Most importantly, WHO does He want us to "RECEIVE" as we go about our daily plans?
As we complete chapter 10, ask yourself, who should you give a cup of cold water too? Who should you "receive" and be a blessing too?
Love and blessings,
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