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If you have anxiety because of things that have happened in your life you can probably relate. If you don't understand anxiety, and the stress it can cause, you won't understand this. In fact, you will probably read it and question.

Unfortunately, anxiety is real. Some days it is easy to get rid of. Some days you fight it all day long.

Thanks to social media, things trigger so much quicker. It's the reason I hate to use social media (even to write this blog!), and yet... here I am. Hoping that maybe my writings might help.

So, why did I title this, "Really?" Because the thought process out there is that as Christians we should not have anxiety. The thought process is that we need to claim God's promises and it simply goes away.

To that I want to say, "Really?" Until you have it and experience it, don't comment and don't judge. Everyone's personality is different. Everyone has different responses to situations.

Some people have "strong, competitive personalities" and they can dominate situations and environments. Often times those with anxiety are told, "That's who they are and you just need to become stronger so it doesn't bother you so much."

To this I want to say, "Really?" Do you know how that makes a person with anxiety feel? That just makes a person with anxiety become anxious because now it's "their fault." Oh, and then when the person with anxiety talks about feelings they are told, "feelings don't matter."

Again I say, "Really?"

Feelings are real and they should matter. It doesn't mean with live in them, but we have to acknowledge them. If we are not allowed to acknowledge them and they are constantly squashed, people begin to experience anxiety.

If a person who experiences anxiety is not allowed to work through their emotions... guess what - more anxiety. If a person is not allowed to express their thoughts and feelings, guess what - more anxiety.

Are there things that can be done to help the anxiety go away? Absolutely! Often times it means doing an activity. If anxiety comes and someone is sitting in a classroom at school, or in an office at work... doing an activity is not feasible. One can't hum, or fidget in certain situations.

We know that people in the Bible struggled with worry and anxiety because that's why God put in writings to help in those situations. He had David help Saul because David played the harp to ease a troubled mind. The Word tells us to give praise to combat negative thoughts. All things we have to practice, and those with anxiety know - and they FIGHT it all the time. However, again - sitting in a classroom or at work you can't play a harp or hum because you disturb others.

As a community of faith we have to learn how to come alongside people who experience this. We need to stand with those who struggle and walk beside them. Encouragement to be all they can be. These people struggle with fear of being vulnerable, fear of rejection, people please and always think something is their fault. All of those items need to be understood.

Simply telling someone to "get over it" doesn't work...

Friends, we need to be there for one another. We need to LISTEN to those around us. And love them through their thoughts and emotions. Being KIND to one another.

Just some more rambling thoughts from someone who struggles with over thinking and anxiety. The battlefield of the mind is real. People REALLY matter and it's time we learn how to walk with those who struggle with these emotions.

Love and blessings,




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