I love the freedom to pray as I wish. Crying out in the car as I drive. Tears as I walk to relieve stress. There are many ways that our words and emotions can draw us close to the ONE Who created us.
I have also come to appreciate and love prayers that others have written. Poetry to our Creator. David's Psalms were prayers to Adonai. We tend to forget that today, We often disregard the fact that we can write out thoughts and recognize them as prayers.
Psalm 24
By David. A psalm:
The earth is Adonai’s, with all that is in it, the world and those who live there; for he set its foundations on the seas and established it on the rivers.
Who may go up to the mountain of Adonai? Who can stand in his holy place? Those with clean hands and pure hearts, who don’t make vanities the purpose of their lives or swear oaths just to deceive. They will receive a blessing from Adonai and justice from God, who saves them. Such is the character of those who seek him, of Ya‘akov, who seeks your face. (Selah)
Lift up your heads, you gates! Lift them up, everlasting doors, so that the glorious king can enter! Who is he, this glorious king? Adonai, strong and mighty, Adonai, mighty in battle.
Lift up your heads, you gates! Lift them up, everlasting doors, so that the glorious king can enter! Who is he, this glorious king? Adonai-Tzva’ot — he is the glorious king. (Selah)
Journaling can actually be prayers...
So can these blogs...
Don't forget that as you enter this busy holiday season. Take time to be in constant communion with HIM. Whether it is talking, walking, listening, or writing...
My prayer today on this Shabbat:
YOUR MIGHT, O God, is everlasting;
help us to use our strength for good and not evil.
You are the Source of life and blessing;
help us to choose life for ourselves and our children.
You are the support of the falling;
help us to lift up the fallen.
You are the author of freedom;
help us to free the captive.
You are our hope in death as in life;
help us to keep faith with those who sleep in the dust.
Your might, O God, is everlasting;
help us to use our strength for good.
For blessing and not for curse,
for life and not death,
for abundance, not want.
pg 349
Mishkan T'filah
A Reform Siddur
Shabbat Shalom,
