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Praised be Adonai...

A verse about PRAISE from the New Testament… Paul was GIVING THANKS and he had a good reason too.

Ephesians 1:3

Praised be Adonai, Father of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, who in the Messiah has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heaven. (CJB)

Paul was giving the community of faith in Ephesus a reminder of all that Christ had done for them. He was giving them reasons to give PRAISE because of what Jesus had done.

The reminder in this verse is that the Messiah had blessed them with EVERY spiritual blessing in heaven. If we continue reading we see those blessings. Here are verses 4-6:

In the Messiah he chose us in love before the creation of the universe to be holy and without defect in his presence. He determined in advance that through Yeshua the Messiah we would be his sons — in keeping with his pleasure and purpose — so that we would bring him praise commensurate with the glory of the grace he gave us through the Beloved One.

This is a HUGE thought. God blessed us with EVERY spiritual blessing… He shed His blood for us. He MADE us His sons and daughters. He chose us in LOVE.

I think we need to count our blessings today. We have much to be thankful for.

Love and blessings,


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