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Once again, I will build...

Another new week. Another time to think about BEGINNING new and fresh!

Jeremiah 31:3

Once again, I will build you; you will be rebuilt,

virgin of Isra’el. Once again, equipped with your tambourines,

you will go out and dance with the merrymakers. (CJB)

Why is this such an encouragement? Because GOD is REBUILDING! I would say this is a positive way to begin a new week!

We can be JOYFUL knowing that HE is in charge of rebuilding. It didn’t matter how many times Israel disobeyed and turned from Him, when they repented and had a heart after Him, HE rebuilt.

Jeremiah was known as the weeping prophet, but He clearly knew and understood that God’s promises were true and FULL of all that the Children of Israel needed to begin again. He BELIEVED the Words that God spoke and TRUSTED Him to provide.

Take heart that as you sometimes need to start over, God is WITH YOU. God is FOR YOU. God WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU.

It doesn’t matter what you are facing. It doesn’t matter that you might “feel” displaced and dispersed. What matters is that HE is there through it all. HE is there if we just LISTEN to what He says. HE is there to provide and care for us.

This week just hold on to the PROMISE that HE is rebuilding. HE is going to EQUIP you to dance and have JOY. BELIEVE that promise today.

Love and blessings,


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