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Observe the charge...

As I continue “walking through the Bible” and finding verses from each book, this verse is key for understanding what God desires from us. David was preparing to move from this life to the next. David knew he needed to instruct his son in the ways of God. If we are going to do this today for our children, this is a good place to start.

I Kings 2:1-3

The time came near for David to die; so he commissioned Shlomo his son as follows: “I am going the way of all the earth. Therefore, be strong; show yourself a man. Observe the charge of Adonai your God to go in his ways and keep his regulations, mitzvot, rulings and instructions in accordance with what is written in the Torah of Moshe; so that you will succeed in all you do and wherever you go. (CJB)

David “commissioned” his son and told him to, “be strong; show yourself a man.” How was Solomon told to do this?

“Observe the charge of Adonai your God to go in HIS ways. Keep HIS regulations.”

What does this look like? We need to do look at the Torah of Moses. We need to understand what God gave HIS people. What instructions are there that HE desires us to do?

David told Solomon that if he keeps the instructions in accordance with what is written, than, “you WILL succeed in all you do and wherever you go.”

Take time today to stop and reflect on what GOD is asking you to do. Take time today to stop and ASK Him what HE desires of you. What regulations, commands, rulings and instructions should you begin to implement in new and deeper ways?

Once you find those instructions and "charges," WHO are you going to teach them too? There are lives waiting to be impacted by someone who has LIFE. When you have the teachings of God, YOU should be discipling others and helping them grow. Find someone with whom you can teach to, "observe the charge."

Love and blessings,


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