Love Discipline
Proverbs 12:1-3
He who loves knowledge loves discipline, but he who hates correction is a boor.
2 A good man obtains Adonai’s favor, but the schemer his condemnation.
3 No one is made secure by wickedness, but the roots of the righteous will never be moved.
I'm tired this morning... My brain is not functioning to write or think! So, I am going to leave these verses as they are. Read them and KNOW that your ROOTS will not be moved if you are walking with HIM. Don't hate correction. LOVE discipline.
And in the midst of all the chaos, WORSHIP HIM! That is where I find the way to fight my battles. I turn on worship music and let it fight for me.
Stand strong in HIM today, friends!!!
Love and blessings,
Women Empowerment based on Torah and the Bible
