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It is your LIFE

Proverbs 4:10-13

Listen, my son, receive what I say,

and the years of your life will be many.

11 I’m directing you on the way of wisdom,

guiding you in paths of uprightness;

12 when you walk, your step won’t be hindered;

and if you run, you won’t stumble.

13 Hold fast to discipline, don’t let it go;

guard it, for it is your life.

Sometimes (my opinion here) I think that Proverbs can become a bit redundant. Sometimes you hear the same words over and over. However, we should all KNOW by now that when a writer does this, it is to make a point. When someone states the same thought several times, it is to make sure that we KNOW it is a tidbit we need to remember.

That being said, once again we can see that IF we receive and DO what wisdom guides us to do, than:

  • the years of life will be many

  • you will be guided in paths of uprightness

  • your step won't be hindered

  • if you run you won't stumble

PROMISES that are TRUTH. IF you DO these things, than blessings come!

My favorite verse in this group?

Hold fast to discipline, don’t let it go;

guard it, for it is your life.

Hold fast. Guard it. Don't let it go. WHY????? Why should we hold on to it? IT IS YOUR LIFE!

I will be the first to admit that I had to put this into practice this weekend. I wanted to run and not look back, but because I have been hiding HIS Words in my heart and because I know they are TRUTH, I held my ground and fought off the urge to just "let go." I put my worship music on, I held onto His Promises. I read, I journaled. I probably could have "run" as well and come back, but I'm not much of a runner (kind of only do that if absolutely necessary. :-) ). When you feel those urges to just "let go" and not care, FIGHT them. Don't let the battle win.

MY Life matters. To God. To those around me. And because of that, my life matters to me. I kept my discipline and did my best to use wisdom. God rewarded me with peace of mind and I begin anew this week KNOWING that He is with me.

YOUR life matters. To God. To those around you. Because of that, learn to keep your discipline and use wisdom. God will give you peace of mind when you do!

It really is for the best, friends. TRUST Him! KNOW that He is God and only wants what is BEST for you. Find your LIFE in Him! The difficult road will lead to a beautiful destination (thankful for the quote in the picture - it is not mine).

Love and blessings,


Women Empowerment based on Torah and the Bible



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