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How to Find Knowledge

Proverbs 2:1-5

My son, if you will receive my words and store my commands inside you, 2 paying attention to wisdom inclining your mind toward understanding — 3 yes, if you will call for insight and raise your voice for discernment, 4 if you seek it as you would silver and search for it as for hidden treasure — 5 then you will understand the fear of Adonai and find knowledge of God.

How does one find knowledge of God and understand the fear of Adonai?

RECEIVE my words!

STORE my commands inside you!

PAY ATTENTION to wisdom.

CALL for insight.

Raise your voice for discernment.

SEEK as if you would for silver.

SEARCH for it as you would a hidden treasure.

These are all things we must DO! Finding knowledge of God means we have to DO something. We must actively pursue HIM as much as He actively pursues us.

We complicate things. We overthink. We get discouraged. We say we can't understand the ways of God.

LIES. We listen to lies.

All we need to do is stop and accept what HE is telling us.

His commands and His ways may not look like our ways, but seeking His commands brings understanding.

Are you ready to do the work? Are you ready to gain more? Remember all the promises that tell us when we seek Him we have LIFE?

Love and blessings,


Women Empowerment based on Torah and the Bible



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