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Go shut yourself in your house...

As the verses I have been receiving have been about prayer and persisting, today I heard the word, “Lifting.” I looked up verses with this word and found numerous in the book of Ezekiel.

Ezekiel 3:24

A spirit entered me and put me on my feet. Then he spoke with me and said to me, “Go, shut yourself inside your house. (CJB)

This verse does not have the word, “lift” in it, but it speaks of the Spirit putting him, “on his feet.” He was in essence, “lifted” to a different place.

The command to, “Go, shut yourself inside your house” is the requirement for Ezekiel to go get alone and LISTEN. God was clearly giving instructions so that Ezekiel would be able to SPEAK to the Hebrew people.

The whole book of Ezekiel is a vision and words that Ezekiel was given to share with his people. As one reads chapter 3 there are lots of verses about “lifting.”

(12) A spirit lifted me up, and I heard behind me a very loud sound — blessed be the glory of Adonai from his place! (CJB)

(14) So a spirit lifted me up and took me away. I went in bitterness and the heat of my spirit, with the hand of Adonai strong on me. (CJB)

We need to get to a place where the Spirit is LEADING and GUIDING. If we are truly LISTENING to the Spirit we will find a place of PEACE. As we PERSIST in PRAYER and GIVE THANKS, the SPIRIT will LIFT us.

Do you need lifting? Do you to be taken with the Spirit to a DEEP PLACE? I believe that if we would PERSIST, GIVE THANKS, and SHUT ourselves inside our houses (not forever, but as the Spirit leads), than we would have PEACE.

Find a place with the SPIRIT…

Love and blessings,


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