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Give THANKS!!!

Today is a day to GIVE THANKS! During Passover there are Psalms read and sung. In the Temple there was a choir. There was singing! This one was known as the great Hallel of Praise!

Psalm 136 - I will give a couple verses and encourage you to read the whole chapter!

Give thanks to Adonai, for he is good,

for his grace continues forever.

Give thanks to the God of gods,

for his grace continues forever.

Give thanks to the Lord of lords,

for his grace continues forever;

Give thanks to the God of heaven,

for his grace continues forever.

GIVE THANKS! Some version say that His “mercy endures” forever.

We know that HE truly has grace AND mercy for ALL those who SEEK Him.

We MUST give thanks for HIS great wonders!

HE is the GOD of heaven. HE is the LORD of lords.


As you continue celebrating this Passover week, with a new understanding of WHO God is for YOU, GIVE THANKS!

REMIND yourself of ALL His faithfulness.

Love and blessings,


PS For those of you reading this and you are celebrating the resurrection of our LORD - That is part of my message in a couple days. I celebrate this occasion as well and recognize that it is SIGNIFICANT. I chose not to focus on it today, because I will be in a couple days… I just want you to understand that I am NOT forgetting it or “leaving it out.” Thank you for understanding!

I added a song below that is based on this Psalm.

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