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Claim the blessings

Proverbs 10:22-26

The blessing of Adonai is what makes people rich, and he doesn’t mix sorrow with it.

23 To a fool, vileness is like a game, as is wisdom to a person of discernment.

24 What a fool dreads will overtake him, but the righteous will be given his desire. 25 When the storm has passed, the wicked are gone; but the righteous are firmly established forever. 26 Like vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes is a lazy person to his employer.

The blessing... Everyone loves to be blessed. Everyone loves when someone prays a blessing over their life. A blessing from Adonai would be even greater.

The wonderful thing is, that is what He has done. He has left us Promises all over in His Word. He will shelter us. He will take care of us and not leave us. He is a strong tower. Friends, all we have to do is claim them and believe them. We don't need to fear.

Verse 24 is another promise:

What a fool dreads will overtake him, but the righteous will be given his desire.

We all know we are in the middle of a storm right now. So much is happening around us. Verse 25 can be our PROMISE for today:

When the storm has passed, the wicked are gone; but the righteous are firmly established forever.

Take time today to hold onto these promises and blessings. God is with you. No one will be against you.

Love and blessings,


Women Empowerment based on Torah and the Bible


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