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Chanukah Peace

Chanukah Peace

On night two of Chanukah the LOVE candle lights JOY and then PEACE.

What do you think of when you hear the word, “peace?”

Some people think of calm waters. Some think of no fighting. I’m sure that people who live in war torn countries think of no gun fire around them. Some people might just think of enjoying a peaceful massage or dinner. There are so many different ways that peace could be interpreted.

What does the WORD of God say about peace?

Isaiah 26:3

“A person whose desire rests on you

you preserve in perfect peace,

because he trusts in you. (CJB)

Proverbs 16:7

When a man’s ways please Adonai,

he makes even the man’s enemies be at peace with him. (CJB)

Matthew 10:34

“Don’t suppose that I have come to bring peace to the Land. It is not peace I have come to bring, but a sword!” (CJB)

John 16:33

“I have said these things to you so that, united with me, you may have shalom. In the world, you have tsuris (trouble). But be brave! I have conquered the world!” (CJB)

PEACE... there are things we need to DO in order to have peace.

Isaiah tells us we must REST in Adonai and TRUST in Him.

Proverbs says that when our WAY PLEASES Adonai, than even our enemies will be a peace with us.

If we skip to the verse from John it says that if we are UNITED with Jesus, than we may have peace. We are also to be BRAVE.

Too often we expect PEACE to be present everywhere. If we look at the verse in Matthew we can understand that this is not the case. Jesus clearly told His disciples that He did not come to bring peace to the Land. In fact, He came with a sword and knew that there would be divisions along the way. He knew that families, friends, and communities would struggle. He said there would be wars and rumors of wars. He knew that famines and earthquakes will shake the land and bring chaos. What do we do in these situations?

There are people who have missed their Messiah because they thought that the Messiah was going to bring PEACE to the world. Jesus did not bring peace to the world. Jesus brought peace to HEARTS. Jesus brought peace to the LIVES of people, but not to the world. This will happen when He returns and takes His place as KING over ALL the earth.

Those who are looking for peace in the world are missing the teaching of Jesus. Jesus wants PEOPLE to have peace in their LIVES. Adonai desires for those who trust Him to have PEACE in their HEARTS. It is more about what is on the inside than what is taking place on the outside.

Jesus tells us that in this world we will have trouble. We are to be BRAVE through it and stay UNITED with Him. When we stay close to HIM and follow HIS ways, HE conquers the world for us and we can have PEACE in our HEARTS. When we are FOCUSED on His words, than we have PEACE in our MINDS.

Are you looking for peace to come around you? If you are, STOP and focus inward! What are YOU doing to bring peace to your heart? Are you TRUSTING? Are you RESTING? Are you FOLLOWING HIS WAYS? Are you UNITED WITH HIM? In order to find peace, we MUST walk with Adonai. We must TAKE the TIME to LISTEN to Him and let Holy Spirit lead us and guide us.

Be a person of peace to those around you. Be the LIGHT He has asked you to be by finding a way to be PEACEFUL in the midst of chaos.

Here is a verse about LIGHT which, if we truly follow the LIGHT of the world, we will have PEACE and LIFE!

John 8:12

Yeshua spoke to them again: “I am the light of the world; whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light which gives life.” (CJB)

I pray that you find a way to have PEACE inside. When you have peace, than it spreads to those around you. May HIS LIGHT shine through you and bring PEACE and LIFE to others.

Love and blessings,


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