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Be Ready

Matthew 24:32-44

32 “Now let the fig tree teach you its lesson: when its branches begin to sprout and leaves appear, you know that summer is approaching. 33 In the same way, when you see all these things, you are to know that the time is near, right at the door. 34 Yes! I tell you that this people will certainly not pass away before all these things happen. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

36 “But when that day and hour will come, no one knows — not the angels in heaven, not the Son, only the Father. 37 For the Son of Man’s coming will be just as it was in the days of Noach. 38 Back then, before the Flood, people went on eating and drinking, taking wives and becoming wives, right up till the day Noach entered the ark; 39 and they didn’t know what was happening until the Flood came and swept them all away. It will be just like that when the Son of Man comes. 40 Then there will be two men in a field — one will be taken and the other left behind. 41 There will be two women grinding flour at the mill — one will be taken and the other left behind. 42 So stay alert, because you don’t know on what day your Lord will come. 43 But you do know this: had the owner of the house known when the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and not allowed his house to be broken into. 44 Therefore you too must always be ready, for the Son of Man will come when you are not expecting him.

Be ready... The theme Words of this passage.

Prepare yourself.

It says we do not know the day or hour.

We know that when people begin to live as they did in the days of Noah, than time is getting shorter. We know that when people begin to see the signs (wars, rumors of wars, famines, earthquakes), time is getting closer.

Some people say, "But, these things have been going on for years. The Words spoken were said 2,000 years ago! What makes us any closer now?"

Well, 2,000 years is a long time and we have to understand that time is always ticking. So, we must always be ready.

Just keep your heart close to His. Just keep yourself in right alignment with Him and others. Keep your focus on Him. Then, you are ready...

Love and blessings,


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