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Watching your children walk through situations that are out of their control is so hard. School is not easy. Especially high school. What teens face these days is awful.

How they treat each other and how they speak about each other is well... The lack of respect for others (adults or fellow students) is terrible. The entitlement mentality is awful.

And students cannot escape it. They are required to go to school. Yes, there is homeschool... for those who appreciate a teacher to learn from, homeschool is more challenging.

It isn't just "the world" anymore. It's "Christians" too. If you think differently, or actually care deeply about how people are treated (so you "call people out who are behaving inappropriately) - you are rejected. You are considered a "snitch" and "snitches are bad."

People don't want to be held accountable. The Bible clearly tells us that if we have been offended we should go to the person and talk to them. Today if we do that, we are offending the other person. "How dare you say I did that." "I didn't do it in that way." "Your feelings don't matter." "Get yourself taken care of. Just leave me out of it."

Because of this mentality, those who actually care and have feelings are left feeling more worthless. They are left believing they are "less then." In order to fight it they must take care of themselves, but that means boundaries and the other people don't like boundaries and the vicious cycle continues...

Teens are not taught how to care for others. And, I sometimes wonder if the parents really care. Do the parents really understand what it means to teach their child that they are not entitled to anything?

It angers me that the people in this world who have a heart for others are the ones who end up hurt. The ones who will speak up for those who are "less than" are considered different. The ones who should be making a difference are so hurt from the battles they face that they get to the point where they struggle to stay afloat. They end up not being able to care like they want too. Than that cycle continues because they hate not caring...

Again, it isn't just the "world" treating people this way. It's also "people of the church."

Friends - none of us are entitled to have anything. None of us deserve what we have been blessed with. We are called to "love the Lord your God with all your heart, strength and mind and Love your neighbor as yourself."

I think it is pretty obvious that no one knows how to love themselves anymore. If they did, they would be able to love their neighbor.

Maybe it is time we all dig a little bit inside of us and learn to love ourselves. Learn to truly understand WHO we are in HIM. Not in an entitled mentality, but in a humble servant mindset. Building ourselves so strong in HIM that we can love others as He loves us, even if they are different.

I'm sure some people will say I'm bitter. Many will tell me to just let it go. And yes, there is freedom in letting others just be... Some days I can do that quicker and easier than other days. Some days I can keep silent and move on. Some days I have to vent and let my feelings out. One thing I do know, anger is a valid emotion when injustice is happening. What I choose to do with that anger is the key. Writing is one way for me to release it. I'm not writing with names or situations that have happened. My flesh wants to do that - I will admit to that. I'm doing my best to write with challenges for us all.

Love and blessings friends,




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