A prayer for today...
CREATE a pure heart within me;
let my soul wake up in Your light.
Open me to Your presence;
flood me with Your holy spirit.
Then I will stand and sing out
the power of Your forgiveness.
I will teach Your love to the lonely;
the lost will find their way home.
Adonai, open up my lips
and my mouth will declare Your praise.
Mishkan T'filah
A Reform Siddur
Pg 493
This prayer encompasses so much. Desiring a clean heart...
Waking up to the LIGHT of our Creator...
Opening to HIS presence...
The last lines are some of my favorite. When we attended synagogue there was a short brief prayer that we sang and the interpretation was "Adonai, open up my lips and my mouth will declare Your praise."
That is what we are supposed to do. We are supposed to worship HIM and give Him thanks and praise.
Thank you Father for this simple reminder today.
Love and blessings,
