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Esther 4:14

or if you fail to speak up now, relief and deliverance will come to the Jews from a different direction; but you and your father’s family will perish. Who knows whether you didn’t come into your royal position precisely for such a time as this.”

OUR ANCESTORS brought You spices and foods

to gain Your favor, O God.

Most precious in our day is the offering of time.

accept this gift we have set aside,

the sanctity of this full day.

Oh! To revel in Your presence,

to celebrate the beauty of Your handiwork,

to rejoice in the gift of life.

Mishkan T'Filah

A Reform Siddur

page 235

Time... "For such a time as this" is such a well known Bible verse. Sometimes I feel like it is over used. And yet... right now in this day and age - we need people who are willing to step out of the box and be real. We need people who are walking with the Father in such a way that they just LOVE others with His love.

When the Temple was built, spices and herbs were required along with the sacrifices. Today there is no need for sacrifices and as the prayer above states - we need to offer Him our TIME. By giving Him our TIME we learn to LOVE with His LOVE and we can rejoice in the gift of LIFE!

Esther learned to LOVE with the love of the Father. We can do the same thing today when we give Him our TIME. Stop and take a Shabbat. Love your neighbor as yourself... If we all took TIME to learn this, the world would be a much better place.

Love and blessings,



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