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Nothing in life is fair. There will always be people who cheat. There will always be people who take advantage of a situation. There will always be wars that make life hard.

My last month was filled with many ups and downs. High moments - my daughter's wedding. Low moments - frustrations with how people handle situations. I could be more specific, however I really don't want to point fingers. Those situations made life frustrating.

It hurts when I want to make things "better" and I can't. It hurts because I want to control the situations, and I can't. I can't make things fair!

I know we all have decisions to make. And yet, so many people say and do things that are ridiculous and cause emotional pain and stress to others. School - kids make snarky comments to others, or give looks that divide. Or, they get on their phones and whisper during tests. They think they are entitled to do these things. It happens at work as well. Point fingers at others and what they do, but don't take responsibility for their own actions. There are so many people in the world who think they deserve something and cause pain to others to get that. And the media - don't even get me started on that. They are supposed to write what is "accurate" and they stretch it and stretch it.

Truth is - NONE of us deserve anything. We are all undeserving of everything we have. It is by God's grace that we were created and have life.

We need to remember that as we walk through life. I have to tell myself that more and more. Life is not fair. It is only in HIM that I should find my place and being. It is only in HIM that I should plant my thoughts. I cannot control. That is hard.

When I believe life isn't fair I must turn it over to Him and let Him handle it. It might mean that I have to put up with crap for awhile. If I am focused on Him it won't matter as much.

This world has messed a lot of things up. We can only look UP and find our HOPE in Him. In Him we know that even if things are not "fair" around us, that He is working ALL things together for those who love Him.

Father, help me leave things in Your Hands. Help me TRUST that You will handle it. Just like when I go to a fair, I have to trust and let go in order to feel the wind whip through my hair... I have to let go in order to have fun. Help me let go...

Love and blessings,




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