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I will REJOICE...

Yesterday the verse was about finding your talent and trusting God to bring His Spirit as you use that talent for His purposes. A friend contacted me and felt like she had missed her talent. She wondered if she had missed God’s opportunities along the way. My response to her is that sometimes all we need to do is pray. Our purpose can be a simple task.

The verse I chose for today expounds on that thought. A friend had sent it to me as encouragement one day. A couple days after that it showed up on my YouVersion BibleApp. I figured God must be speaking to me, so here is:

Habakkuk 3:17-18

For even if the fig tree doesn’t blossom,

and no fruit is on the vines,

even if the olive tree fails to produce,

and the fields yield no food at all,

even if the sheep vanish from the sheep pen,

and there are no cows in the stalls;

still, I will rejoice in Adonai,

I will take joy in the God of my salvation. (CJB)

Sometimes in our lives we think nothing is happening. We think there is no fruit. We do not even see blossoms. There might not be anyone around us to talk too. Everything seems empty and dry.

What does verse 18 tell us to do?????



God is our salvation. HE is the One to REJOICE in!

When everything around us is failing, we MUST give HIM credit and REJOICE.

So, the simple task HE has given ALL of us is to GIVE THANKS in everything. This is HIS will.

Don’t look at the circumstances around you (not an easy thing to do!). Look to HIM and know that HE is in control and REJOICE in HIM.

A verse from a book not normally read… A secret hidden in His Word. Claim it as YOURS today.

Love and blessings,


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