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I will place the key of David...

The verse today is one that I saw posted somewhere on Facebook. I liked the reference (22:22). However, I also like the words. They are more powerful than many realize.

Isaiah 22:22

I will place the key of David’s house

on his shoulder;

no one will shut what he opens;

no one will open what he shuts. (CJB)

Our family has verse cards that we used to quote and say every morning. They would speak LIFE over us. One of them was, “God opens my mouth and no man can shut it, God shuts my mouth and no man can open it.”

This verse is with the same idea. GOD knows what is happening in the house of David. If you read the whole chapter, there has been corruption and evil taking place among God’s people. God, through the prophet Isaiah, is working on cleaning house.

This verse clearly states that GOD knows WHO will be ruler in the house of David. God gives clear commands to who will take it over. The key of government is there.

Once GOD makes a decision, no one will shut what he opens. No one will open what he shuts.

God is doing HIS thing. We have discussed laying down our thoughts, passions, desires. Most times when we do this, God will bless us with the desires of our heart.

Today, KNOW and BELIEVE that HE is in control. KNOW and BELIEVE that HE is in control and will take care of you. KNOW and BELIEVE that HE is opening and closing doors, YOU just need to listen and follow His Spirit leading.

God WILL take care of you. Let HIM take the keys.

Love and blessings,


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