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You preserve in PERFECT Peace...

Today my FB Live video did not happen as early as expected. I was busy baking with my girls for the community bake sale we are participating in as a family on Saturday. Then it was dinner time and always lots of dishes!

I found that I became a bit agitated as at the day went on. I didn’t have my focus in the right place and because I was not “in the Word” I was wearing down emotionally and spiritually. My guard and shield were not strong.

It was time for me to FOCUS on the WORD. I read a Psalms, and I read the verse for the day on my Bible App. The verse for the day took me to Isaiah 26, but verse 9. I chose to read the entire chapter and found verse 3 and then added 4 because it just completed it.

Isaiah 26:3-4

“A person whose desire rests on you

you preserve in perfect peace,

because he trusts in you.

Trust in Adonai forever,

because in Yah Adonai,

is a Rock of Ages.” (CJB)

These verses spoke comfort to my soul. A person whose desire “rests on YOU - YOU (Adonai) preserve in perfect peace.”

The last phrase, “because he trusts in you” means ME. I can be that person if I CHOOSE to TRUST!

Once again we can see that there is SOMETHING we must do in order to have peace. God does not just hand it to us. We MUST place our TRUST in HIM and we must REST in HIM.

When we do these things, HE brings PERFECT PEACE.

How do we do this? By speaking HIS WORDS out loud! By rebuking the enemy and binding his lies. By releasing the JOY and PEACE that are rightfully ours.

Verse 4 completes things because it says that HE is the ROCK OF AGES.

This reminded me of the hymn, "Rock of Ages, Cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee…”

Today I am THANKFUL that HE is my ROCK. When I TRUST in HIM, HE will provide PEACE and be the STRONG ROCK I can stand on.

Claim HIS WORDS today. Stand on HIS WORDS and let them be YOUR PEACE.

Love and blessings,


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