He will not turn His face...
Today is a NEW day. A day filled with NEW things. Sometimes that means returning… 2 Chronicles 30:9b …he will not turn his face away from...
Happy is the person who does this...
Shabbat! Another Friday down! Time to focus on God and family. Time to REST! Isaiah 56:2 Happy is the person who does this, anyone who...
Don't let yourselves be disturbed...
I opened my YouVersion BibleApp again today and saw the verse. I knew immediately I needed to share it. It is a common verse, but with...
The Soul...
THE SOUL that You have given me, O God, is pure! You created and formed it, breathed it into me, and within me You sustain it. So long as...
Stay united with Me...
Our family read through the tiny book, “Secrets of the Vine” about a month ago. Today when the verse from John showed up… John 15:5 “I am...
Remember Your wonders of old...
Reflecting on making decisions is not easy… Sometimes we have to stop and REMEMBER! Psalm 77:12 So I will remind myself of Yah’s doings;...
The fear of Adonai...
Today our family read from Proverbs. Chapter 9 has secrets to find wisdom. Proverbs 9:10 The fear of Adonai is the beginning of wisdom,...
Then, when Adonai gives you REST...
Shabbat! Another Friday. Another day to let go and LET GOD. Today’s verse about rest is a bit unusual. Isaiah 14:3 Then, when Adonai...
Do NOT lose courage...
Today’s verse is from my YouVersion Bible App. I LOVE opening it up and finding a verse that brings HOPE and COURAGE! 2 Corinthians 4:16...
Make me HEAR of Your love...
The past couple of days I have been asking God for new and fresh verses. This is one He showed me a couple of days ago. Psalm 143:8 Make...