Are you ready?
A month... It has been a month since Israel was attacked. The blog I wrote was read the most of any I have ever written. Nothing is close...
This is not going to sit well with some people, but I feel it must be written. I write from my heart. I pray my heart is in the right...
Missed Opportunity...
I missed writing about Sukkot. Life last weekend, when it started, was crazy busy. Still trying to figure out how to write when there is...
Yom Kippur - Choose Life!
Tonight at sundown Yom Kippur begins. This day is the highest, most holy day of the Jewish Holiday. Leviticus 16:29-31 “It is to be a...
Rosh Hashanah
Yesterday was hard. No other word can describe trying to figure out how to be three places at once. It is impossible. I said, "God, show...
Religion and Politics
It has been awhile since I have written anything. I'm still processing a lot that has happened. I still wish that life had not ended up...
Friday night I helped host a Shabbat dinner. My son organized it with four friends. Last month we hosted a Shabbat dinner for a family...
I was talking with someone the other day and in the course of the conversation the comment was made by her, "That's okay. I'm not easily...
Dance Together and Alone
I have been listening to a podcast called, "The Best of You" by Dr. Alison Cook. There is lots of helpful information about merging...
I know I have shared this prayer/poem before, but it is a favorite of mine and I feel led to share it again. PRAY AS IF everything...