May God, the SOURCE of HOPE...
Hope… Sometimes we just don’t know what it is or how to get it. Romans 15:13 May God, the source of hope, fill you completely with joy...
Then God's SHALOM...
Today I had several verses show up in different places and they were all focused around the same theme… In my mind that means God must be...
Your KING is coming to you...
This week is what we call Passion Week. Our family follows the Hebrew Calendar for holidays and celebrates Passover. Today I want to look...
Seek Adonai... you might be HIDDEN!
A small book, yet another filled with promises and TRUTH. Today the verse is from Zephaniah. Zephaniah 2:3 Seek Adonai, all you humble in...
Always try to do GOOD...
I was thinking of the word, “trust” today and then when I saw this verse I decided to use it. Why???? The word trust isn’t even in it! I...
Lift up your heads!
Today is the first day of the week… For most people this is known as a Sunday. I was led to give thanks. Rejoice. Due to a verse on my...
It took a "little" girl...
Today we were reading our Daily Torah portion. The portions lately have been about clean and unclean animals, and procedures the...
Valley of Decision
I pondered hard today for a verse. I’m not sure why it was so difficult, but I struggled. Didn’t feel led to share a Psalm. My mind was...
You are GREAT Adonai...
The first day of the week and we can GIVE THANKS again. My verse today is all about giving Adonai the HONOR and GLORY HE is due. It is in...
My ways are NOT your ways...
I had a verse picked out for today and when I opened BibleGateway it went away… The verse of the day on this site was Isaiah 55:8-9 “For...