Which gives freedom...
Today I started by looking up the word, “endurance.” I found some verses. Some I have already used. Then this one from James popped up,...

PATIENTLY hold on to our HOPE...
This verse was another that showed as my daily verse on a BibleApp. I have shared before about what some of this verse means, but today I...

Set your MIND at REST...
We have reached another Shabbat. God has brought us through another week and we are ready to spend time with HIM! I love to find verses...

I will write it on their hearts...
Our Torah portion this week is all about the instructions that God began to give the Hebrew children. The portion from the prophets is...

Torah is summed up in one sentence...
Another verse from my BibleApp YouVersion. The book of Galatians is one book I love to read in the Complete Jewish Bible. The way it is...

Torah is LIFE...
I went back and forth today about what verse to read/use. I saw one in Psalms, but I had one from Romans. The one in Romans required more...

I too have LOVED YOU...
Another verse about love… God’s love. Some might think, this gets old, but I truly believe that right now we must focus on HIS love. We...

Parents BLESS your children...
Today’s verse is from one of the Torah portions last week. Todd and I have talked several times about the Friday night Shabbat blessings...

Shabbat is to DO GOOD...
Today is Shabbat. I found another verse about this important day. Matthew 12:12 How much more valuable is a man than a sheep! Therefore,...

Heard from the beginning...
Today’s verse is one that popped up in my FB memory yesterday. It struck me in a different way this year because of many things I have...