The Soul...
THE SOUL that You have given me, O God, is pure! You created and formed it, breathed it into me, and within me You sustain it. So long as...
PRAY Regularly...
God is really speaking to me about prayer. Today’s verse is simple… 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray regularly. (CJB) Two words, but important...
Then God's SHALOM...
Today I had several verses show up in different places and they were all focused around the same theme… In my mind that means God must be...
Give THANKS!!!
Today is a day to GIVE THANKS! During Passover there are Psalms read and sung. In the Temple there was a choir. There was singing! This...
Are you ALERT?
Today I was drawn to the word, “thanks” again. It is something we are commanded to do, and this verse is another that states it well....
You are GREAT Adonai...
The first day of the week and we can GIVE THANKS again. My verse today is all about giving Adonai the HONOR and GLORY HE is due. It is in...
What is YOUR mind focused on?
Today I chose to read several verses. It did not make sense to break them apart. Sometimes in the book of Psalms you just have to keep...
We THANK YOU God, and PRAISE Your glorious name! I Chronicles 29:13 Today I was thankful for a verse about GIVING THANKS that is not from...