Signs from the Earth
Matthew 27:51-54 51 At that moment the parokhet in the Temple was ripped in two from top to bottom; and there was an earthquake, with...
Prepare your heart
Matthew 23:33-39 33 “You snakes! Sons of snakes! How can you escape being condemned to Gei-Hinnom (hell)? 34 Therefore I am sending you...
Be a blessing...
Matthew 21:12-13 12Â Yeshua entered the Temple grounds and drove out those who were doing business there, both the merchants and their...
Matthew 4:1-11 4Â Then the Spirit led Yeshua up into the wilderness to be tempted by the Adversary. 2Â After Yeshua had fasted forty days...
Your body is a Temple...
Hello friends, It has been a couple days since I actually did a FB live video teaching, and so now I need to follow up with my blog! I...