Tzitzits and Healing
Matthew 9:18-26 18 While he was talking, an official came in, kneeled down in front of him and said, “My daughter has just died. But if...
How to pray...
Matthew 6:7-15 7 “And when you pray, don’t babble on and on like the pagans, who think God will hear them better if they talk a lot....
The Spirit helps us in our weakness...
Weakness… We all have our moments. This is a good verse to be reminded of when we just can’t get ourselves motivated. Romans 8:26...
The Soul...
THE SOUL that You have given me, O God, is pure! You created and formed it, breathed it into me, and within me You sustain it. So long as...
Keep persisting in PRAYER...
Our family finished reading the book of Colossians today. Lots of power packed verses that Paul wrote to the community of faith in...
The Lord's Prayer...
Today is a simple verse… The Lord’s Prayer in two translations you probably have not heard before. Matthew 6:9-13 You, therefore, pray...
Rejoice in your HOPE...
I love when I find verses that are easy to remember where they are found. Like 33:3 or 10:10. Today when I was looking up verses about...
Shabbat is for the foreigner...
We have come to another Friday. Time for Shabbat. Here is another verse about this special day. Isaiah 56:6-7 “And the foreigners who...
Jesus PRAYED for YOU
I took a week off to be with family. We needed some time together. During those days we kept reading our Daily Torah Portion. There is...