Who is it that OVERCOMES?
Today I decided to look for a verse on FAITH. The first one that showed up is one that was a huge encouragement to me back in college. I...
Seek Adonai... you might be HIDDEN!
A small book, yet another filled with promises and TRUTH. Today the verse is from Zephaniah. Zephaniah 2:3 Seek Adonai, all you humble in...
Always try to do GOOD...
I was thinking of the word, “trust” today and then when I saw this verse I decided to use it. Why???? The word trust isn’t even in it! I...
God is not so unfair...
I admit to being a little tired today. It is a Thursday. I know Shabbat is coming. Weather this week has been cool, then sunny, than...
YOU can make me clean...
Our Daily Torah Portions continue to be about clean and unclean things and the last couple chapters have focused on leprosy. I talked...
We too were FOOLISH!
Today is April Fool’s Day. I don’t really get into these types of holidays anymore. A verse I always see on this day is the one that...
There is FREEDOM!
I have been “off” for the last four days. Our family went to Bucharest, Romania. It is interesting that we have spent quite a bit of time...
Are you ALERT?
Today I was drawn to the word, “thanks” again. It is something we are commanded to do, and this verse is another that states it well....
Valley of Decision
I pondered hard today for a verse. I’m not sure why it was so difficult, but I struggled. Didn’t feel led to share a Psalm. My mind was...
Don't Worry!
Shabbat Shalom! We have Painted Lady butterflies flittering through our yard today as they are on a migration path to Greece. The verse I...