Wisdom throws a Party!
Proverbs 9:1-6 Wisdom has built herself a house; she has carved her seven pillars. 2 She has prepared her food, spiced her wine, and she...

And yet...
Proverbs 7:1-5 My son, keep my words, store up my commands with you. 2 Obey my commands, and live; guard my teaching like the pupil of...

Live for Today
Matthew 24:1-14 As Yeshua left the Temple and was going away, his talmidim (disciples) came and called his attention to its buildings....

So that you won't forget...
Our family continues to read through the Torah. We have entered the final book, which is actually much better than so many people think....

With ACTIONS and in reality...
Yesterday I spoke about doing good deeds and setting up things in your mind that you WANT to do for God. Today’s verse follows that up a...