Believe for change...
Matthew 9:1-8 9Â So he stepped into a boat, crossed the lake again and came to his own town. 2Â Some people brought him a paralyzed man...

Ask, Seek, Knock
Matthew 7:6-11 6 “Don’t give to dogs what is holy, and don’t throw your pearls to the pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their...

Does it really say, "Don't Judge?"
Matthew 7:1-5 7 “Don’t judge, so that you won’t be judged.2 For the way you judge others is how you will be judged — the measure with...

Reset your Heart
Matthew 5:21-26 21 “You have heard that our fathers were told,‘Do not murder,’and that anyone who commits murder will be subject to...

Heart's Decision-Maker...
Today I was looking for a verse about decision making. Interestingly enough it was tied in with the word shalom, and a verse before one I...

I will write it on their hearts...
Our Torah portion this week is all about the instructions that God began to give the Hebrew children. The portion from the prophets is...