Chanukah Self Control
Once again I give credit to Restored Ministries for the opportunity to write for them. This series on Chanukah was written in 2019....

Chanukah Humility
Once again I give credit to Restored Ministries for the writing of this blog in 2019. Chanukah Humility… We continue to count the nights...

Chanukah Faithfulness
Restored Ministries was once again the inspiration for this blog a year ago. Thankful to share them again with you. Night six of Chanukah...

Chanukah Goodness
Once again I give credit to Restored Ministries for the inspiration and encouragement for me to write. I wrote this in 2019 as we...

Chanukah Kindness
Once again I give credit to Restored Ministries for the initial write of this devotional. The fourth night of Chanukah is marked for us...

Chanukah Patience
Once again I give credit to Restored Ministries as I wrote this for them in 2019. I pray it blesses you as we walk through these days of...

Chanukah Peace
Chanukah Peace On night two of Chanukah the LOVE candle lights JOY and then PEACE. What do you think of when you hear the word, “peace?”...

Chanukah Joy
This article was written for Restored Ministries. I give them credit for the inspiration to write it. Chanukah Joy… If you remember what...

Chanukah Love
Tonight is the first night of Chanukah. This is a teaching I wrote a year ago for Restored Ministries Blog. I give credit to their...

The end of the book of Matthew
Matthew 28:16-20 16 So the eleven talmidim (disciples/students) went to the hill in the Galil where Yeshua had told them to go. 17 When...