Tzitzits and Healing
Matthew 9:18-26 18 While he was talking, an official came in, kneeled down in front of him and said, “My daughter has just died. But if...

How are you teaching?
Matthew 9:14-17 14 Next, Yochanan’s talmidim (disciples/students) came to him and asked, “Why is it that we and the P’rushim (Pharisees)...

Show Compassion
Matthew 9:9-13 9Â As Yeshua passed on from there he spotted a tax-collector named Mattityahu sitting in his collection booth. He said to...

Believe for change...
Matthew 9:1-8 9Â So he stepped into a boat, crossed the lake again and came to his own town. 2Â Some people brought him a paralyzed man...