The Continental Divide...
Matthew 10:34-39 34 “Don’t suppose that I have come to bring peace to the Land. It is not peace I have come to bring, but a sword! 35 For...

Stand, yet Move...
Matthew 10:32-33 32 “Whoever acknowledges me in the presence of others I will also acknowledge in the presence of my Father in heaven....

Worth more than a sparrow...
Matthew 10:28-30 28 “Do not fear those who kill the body but are powerless to kill the soul. Rather, fear him who can destroy both soul...

He will whisper to you...
Matthew 10:24-27 24 “A talmid (disciple/student) is not greater than his rabbi, a slave is not greater than his master. 25 It is enough...

Matthew 10:21-23 21 “A brother will betray his brother to death, and a father his child; children will turn against their parents and...

Harmless as a dove...
Matthew 10:16-20 16 “Pay attention! I am sending you out like sheep among wolves, so be as prudent as snakes and as harmless as...

Bring Peace...
Matthew 10:11-15 11 “When you come to a town or village, look for someone trustworthy and stay with him until you leave. 12 When you...

Ready to Go...
Matthew 10:1-10 Yeshua called his twelve talmidim (disciples/students) and gave them authority to drive out unclean spirits and to heal...

Harvest... be ready!
Matthew 9:32-38 32 As they were going, a man controlled by a demon and unable to speak was brought to Yeshua. 33 After the demon was...

Sharing JOY...
Matthew 9:27-31 27 As Yeshua went on from there, two blind men began following him, shouting, “Son of David! Take pity on us!” 28 When he...