Filled with the Spirit of God...
This morning as we read our Daily Torah Portion, one verse stuck out from the others. We have been reading about how to build the...

Wait in silence for GOD alone...
We have come to another Shabbat. Shabbat is for rest! As I looked for verses about rest, this one popped up, but in the Complete Jewish...

An EVERLASTING Covenant...
Today is February 14th and many people are thinking about love. They are sending chocolates, or flowers, or other special gifts to the...

My verse today was inspired by a song that a friend sent me. It is about new wine. I looked at all the verses concerning wine/new wine…...

With ACTIONS and in reality...
Yesterday I spoke about doing good deeds and setting up things in your mind that you WANT to do for God. Today’s verse follows that up a...

A LIFE of Good Action...
We must always think about what we are doing… What does God want us to do? The verse today highlights this. Ephesians 2:10 For we are of...

Nothing can separate YOU from HIS Love...
A verse about HIS LOVE. What else can there be that is any more important to understand. Romans 8:39 neither powers above nor powers...

Be still and know...
Today is another Shabbat. This means another verse about rest. I chose not to use a verse with the word rest in it, but a well known...

On ground that is level...
Today I was not sure what verse to do yet, but this verse showed up on my YouVersion Bible App as the verse of the day. I love when HE...

With God ALL things are possible...
Today I chose the first verse our children learned as they began to speak. Matthew 19:26 Yeshua looked at them and said, “Humanly, this...